Wednesday 27 April 2011


           Sports day is a field day that provides an entertaining event that involved every member in the school to participate and enjoy success. During the sports day, it created encouraging, competing and motivating atmosphere among the students, teachers and parents. There are lots of activities that held where students are tested according to their skill levels.
            On that day, students are arranged according to their houses colour. They assigned their duty and activities that they have to attend from their teacher. Three main events on that day are the relay, field bowling and fishing. At the moment record, the highest score is hold by the Yellow House.
            After the Principal and PIBG chairman speeches, the event starts with the relay activity. The 100 metres relay was the first event that held. The runners from all the houses were get ready to run at the changing zone. The first runners run when they heard the gun shoot. There are tremendous of applause from all the students, teachers and parents for their own house. Every events turns out to be the grandest day of the year for the school.
            The bowling activity use a real bowling set for the competition to see who can knock down the most pins with one roll. We used homemade bowling pins where we place about an inch of water or sand in each bottles as a weight. The pins are arranged in the usual bowling formation. The winner is the one who can knock down the most pins with one roll.
             The fishing activity involved teachers and parents to participate. They have to form four groups according to the house colour. There is one aquarium full of water and ping pong balls. Each group are given 5 nets to catch the most ping pong balls within 1 minute. The winner is the one who are able to fish the most ping pong balls.            
            The day went very fast. About 4 p.m. our Guest-of-Honour gave away the trophies to the winner of all events. Now, everyone is waiting to know the champion of the year. All the students are seated with their teacher advisor according to their house screaming their own house colour to be the winner. Then the principal announce the champion and the captain of the house runs to take their trophy happily.